The INRIX Routing Service provides integrated traffic-influenced routing services, such as fastest route based on traffic, lists of directional maneuvers and faster alternative routes based on traffic conditions. This information is based on current as well as predictive traffic.


Many existing route calculation systems predict travel time using road classes or speed limits as the basis for route calculations. Some even use real-time traffic data, but estimated travel times along the route, for any given route segment, are limited to current conditions at the time of calculation. As such, the calculated travel time for a given route is based on free-flow traffic conditions, or limited to the current traffic conditions.

By contrast, the INRIX routing service provides routing data based on the predicted or actual conditions at the time the vehicle reaches a given route segment. It is unique in that the route calculation uses predictive and real-time traffic information from a number of different sources as the basis of route calculations, including incident data, along the entire route. The routing engine employs a time-based “look-ahead” algorithm to not only identify what traffic is at the time of route calculation, but how it will evolve during the course of a route. This results in a seamless blending of real-time, historical, predictive, road closure, and incident data to produce the most informed route decision possible. Such comprehensive route data enables a routing application to offer the user better alternatives based on time and the complexity of the route.

Routing APIs

The following APIs are available to get routing information:

Finding Routes and Refreshing Route Data

To find a route, call FindRoute with origin and destination points, as well as other parameters. This will return a Trip, which contains one or more routes that have a unique ID, as well as data for each of the routes, including travel time, maneuvers, and incidents along the route. Each route represents a specific, static way to go from the origin to destination.

Once a route has been found, you may decide at some point in the future to get up-to-date data on that route. To do this, call GetRoute.

Note that calling FindRoute at a different time may return different routes. For example, you can call FindRoute at one point in time and request only one route, and it will return the optimal path between the origin and destination. Now, imagine an incident has happened such that the optimal route now takes significantly longer than before. Calling FindRoute may now return a different route. However, if you call GetRoute using the ID from the original FindRoute call, it will always return data for that route, even if that route is no longer the optimal route.

If you need travel times for the present time or near future, then call GetRouteTravelTimes after calling FindRoute. GetRouteTravelTimes is useful for determining when to best to leave to take a route, or it can be used to create charts of how travel times are expected to vary over time.

Note that GetRoute and GetRouteTravelTimes are less computationally intensive than FindRoute. Also, if the origin, destination, or other waypoints change, then you need to call FindRoute again.

Trips and Routes

FindRoute returns a Trip element, which contains a collection of Route elements. The Trip element is defined by its waypoints, whereas the Route element contains the actual path taken through those waypoints.

Expiration of Routes and Trips

When FindRoute is called, a trip with routes is created, each with unique IDs. These trips and routes may be re-used for a period of time (a number of hours) through GetRoute and GetRouteTravelTimes. However, eventually, you will need to call FindRoute again.

Routing Options and Returned Data

FindRoute allows you to specify:

FindRoute and GetRoute can return:

You may specify which of these types of data you want returned by FindRoute and GetRoute through the RouteOutputFields parameter.

Description: Finds a new route.


GET Generates a new route based on waypoints


  = required
Name Located In Type Description
action Path String Use findRoute
Token Path String A valid authorization token returned in response to a GetSecurityToken request.
WP_Heading Path Integer The heading of the starting waypoint expressed as degrees. Heading is used to determine best route. It is important for non-divided (non-freeway/motorway/expressway) roads. Value can range from 0 to 359. 90 degrees indicates a due east heading.
WP_1 Path Point A valid starting waypoint for the route. This first point can also take a position-speed-heading (PHS) record.  For instance, the first waypoint and heading (233 in this example) can be specified as follows - WP_1=47.613458,-122.188086,233
WP_2 Path Point The next waypoint.
WP_[3-10] Path Point Any additional waypoints. You can specify up to 8 additional points.
WP_[n]description Path Point A textual description that can be attached to each associated waypoint.
WP_[n]ID Path Integer A location ID from a previous call to CreateLocation.
DepartureTime Path Datetime The time of departure. Defaults to “now” if not specified. DepartureTime must be within nine months from the time of the API call, and must occur in the future. The date format must be in the form YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ; for example 2009-04-04T13:42:41Z.
ArrivalTime Path Datetime The time of arrival. Ignored if DepartureTime is specified. ArrivalTime must be within nine months from the time of the API call, and must occur in the future. The date format must be in the form YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ; for example 2009-04-04T13:42:41Z.
MaxAlternates Path Integer Determines the number of alternate routes calculated. By default, only one route is returned but you can request up to 2 alternates. If all the routes have closures and cannot be driven, the third route returned is replaced with a fastest traffic-aware route that is navigable. In other words, no matter what the conditions are on the primary (and maybe secondary) routes, the API always returns at least one navigable route.
Value Description
0 (default) Return one route.
1 Return up to two routes.
2 Return up to three routes.
UseTraffic Path Boolean If UseTraffic is True, the current traffic flow is used in calculating the route. The default is True (calculate route based on current traffic conditions). Ignored if RouteType is 1.
RouteType Path Integer A value of 0 returns the fastest route; 1 returns the shortest route. The default is 0. If 1 is specified, UseTraffic is ignored.
Units Path Integer Use 0 for English units, 1 for metric. The default is 0.
RouteOutputFields Path String The route elements to output in the response XML. Multiple fields can be specified in a comma-delimited list. You can use either the entire field name, or just the first letter.
Value Description
D,S,W,B,I,U (default) Returns the Descriptions, Summary, Waypoints, BoundingBox, and Incidents fields.
All Returns all fields.
D – Descriptions The textual descriptions of the trip and route.
S – Summary The route summary contains a high level summary of the major roads on the route.
W – Waypoints The waypoints used to calculate the route.
B – BoundingBox The geographical bounding box of the entire route.
P – Points A list of points along the route, returned in latitude/longitude pairs.
I – Incidents A list of any incidents occurring on the route.
U – RouteSpeedBucket A list of colors along the route based on INRIX Speedbuckets to allow a route to be colored according to congestion
IncidentOutputFields Path String The incident fields to output. Multiple fields can be specified in a comma-delimited list. The default is the primary incident element attributes, short and long description, TMCs and Parameterized description. This parameter is only used if Incidents are set to be returned in the RouteOutputFields.
Value Description
All This option returns all of the options available including new fields added in the future. Incident head, tail and last detour point are now available by specifying this option.
ID The unique identifier of an incident.
Version The version number of the incident report, incremented each time an incident report is updated.
Type The type of the incident (Crashes and Hazards; Events; Construction; and Congestion Alerts, also known as Flow incidents).
Severity The severity of the incident. This value can be in the range of 0-4, with 4 indicating the highest severity.
EventCode The event code of the incident. These are standard Alert-C event codes.
LatLong The latitude and longitude of the incident.
Impacting Whether the incident impacts traffic flow. This field is set to “yes” if the appearance of the incident changes the traffic flow below a certain percentage from that which is normally expected for the given segment of road at that time, given the current conditions.
StartTime The starting time of the incident.
EndTime The ending time of the incident.
DelayImpact Provide the delay in minutes versus typical conditions and versus free flow conditions.
Area The points in a polygon that describes an incident that is returned, in GML format. For more information about GML format, see
RDS The Radio Data System data. See the RDS element for more information.
ShortDescription Short textual description of the incident including language code.
FullDescription Longer textual description of the incident including language code.
GeometryTolerance Path Integer Reduces the number of latitude/longitude points returned when describing a route as requested by the Points value of the RouteOutputFields parameter. This value should be greater than or equal to 0 and is specified in yards for English units and meters for metric units. The default is 0, which means exact (no inaccuracy is tolerated), and results in the entire Points set being returned when points are requested in the output field. Higher values will reduce the number of points by eliminating points whose distance from each other is less than the specified tolerance. Based on the level of zoom used to draw the map, you can save bandwidth by reducing the size of the return payload. For example, if the map is zoomed to a 300-mile level, you may want to return fewer data points by specifying a larger value for GeometryTolerance. If the value for GeometryTolerance is larger than the length of the route, only the origin and destination points are returned.
IsAmbiguousOrigin Path Boolean Set to true to indicate that the starting waypoint latitude and longitude are not exact. In particular, if the origin is a major highway that has separate roads going in opposite directions, specify true so that Inrix is free to choose the road which is going in the most optimal direction. Default is false.
Criteria Path String (* see comment with asterisk in the notes) Any avoidance criteria which should be considered in calculating the Route. Possible criteria are avoid Ferries, TollRoads etc. Specify the first letter of the criteria or multiples in a comma separated list. For instance, to avoid highways and toll roads specify Criteria=H,T.The following criteria and abbreviations are supported.
Value Description
NoRestrictions (default) Report all road types.
AvoidTollRoads T
AvoidHighways H
AvoidFerries F
AvoidVignette V
PreferExpress E
PreferCarPool C
Format Path String The format of the response in either XML or JSON. Default is XML.
SpeedBucketID Query Integer A speed bucket is a range of speeds or percentages that is used to categorize Segment data. All speed buckets are identified by a unique number called a speedbucketID. Default is to use the INRIX default speed bucket ID (id=1) which is described in the CreateSpeedBucket api . Custom speed buckets can be defined by using the CreateSpeedBucket API.


Example FindRoute request


200 Success
  "docType": "FindRoute",
  "copyright": "Copyright INRIX Inc.",
  "versionNumber": "11.2",
  "createdDate": "2018-01-23T16:59:36Z",
  "statusId": 0,
  "statusText": "OK",
  "responseId": "6272eabe-ede5-4c29-9420-42ab46514cb2",
  "result": {
      "trip": {
          "tripId": "1794124873",
          "wayPoints": [
              "id": 1,
              "geometry": {
                  "type": "Point",
                  "coordinates": [
              "id": 2,
              "geometry": {
                  "type": "Point",
                  "coordinates": [
          "routes": [
              "uncongestedTravelTimeMinutes": 23,
              "routeQuality": 0,
              "id": "1794124873",
              "hasClosures": false,
              "travelTimeMinutes": 42,
              "abnormalityMinutes": 10,
              "averageSpeed": 22,
              "statusId": 0,
              "totalDistance": "15.9",
              "routeTransportStatus": 0,
              "summary": {
                  "text": "Via I-405, WA-520 and I-90",
                  "roads": [
                      "roadClass": 1,
                      "name": "I-405"
                      "roadClass": 1,
                      "name": "WA-520"
                      "roadClass": 1,
                      "name": "I-90"
              "description": "User requested directions from Origin to Destination on 2018-01-23T16:59:36Z",
              "incidents": [
              "boundingBox": {
                  "corner1": {
                      "type": "Point",
                      "coordinates": [
                  "corner2": {
                      "type": "Point",
                      "coordinates": [

Response Elements

Property Type Description
trip Array The root element of a collection of routes that share the same origin and destination.
Property Type Description
tripId String The id of the trip returned.
wayPoints Array Points that the first route of the trip is required to take; all routes use first and last waypoint.
Property Type Description
id String The id of the waypoint.
geometry Geojson point Longitude and lattitude of that waypoint
routes Array Route information, including travel times and maneuvers.
Property Type Description
uncongestedTravelTimeMinutes Unsignedbyte The travel time, given no traffic congestion.
routeQuality Unsignedbyte Quality of the route, typically scaled from 0 (most congested) to 3 (least congested).
id String The route ID.
hasClosures Boolean Whether or not there are road closures along the route. If true, then travel times will not be returned.
hasRestrictions Boolean Whether or not there are restrictions along the route, such as times when traffic is not allowed to flow in a particular direction. If true, then travel times will not be returned.
travelTimeMinutes Unsignedbyte The currently calculated travel time. If there are road closures or restrictions along the route, this attribute will not be present, and you should call FindRoute to get a new route.
abnormalityMinutes Unsignedbyte The difference in minutes between the travel time for the returned route and the normal travel time expected for the time and day. See Notes for more information. If there are road closures along the route, this attribute will not be present.
averageSpeed Unsignedbyte The average speed on the route. If there are road closures along the route, this value will be 0.
trafficConsidered Boolean Whether or not traffic is used in calulating the route.
statusId Unsignedbyte The status ID for the request
totalDistance Decimal The length of the route, in miles for units=0 and kilometer for units=1.
summary Array Information about the roads used in the route.
Property Type Description
text String Information about the roads used in the route.
roads Array List of roads on the route
description Array A textual description of the route.
incidents Array Incident info (if any) on the route. See Response description on Incidents page
boundingBox Array Coordinates of the rectangular region of the route.
Property Type Description
corner1 Geojson point Longitude and latitude in Geojson format
corner2 Geojson point Longitude and latitude in Geojson format
points Geojson linestrong The points in the route in Geojson linestring format.


GET Takes a previously defined route and returns route current data.


  = required
Name Located In Type Description
action Path String use getRoute
token Path String A valid authorization token returned in response to a GetSecurityToken request.
routeId Path String A valid route ID from which to return traffic and routing information.
DepartureTime Path Datetime The time of arrival. Ignored if ArrivalTime is specified. DepartureTime must be within nine months from the time of the API call, and must occur in the future. The date format must be in the form YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ; for example 2009-04-04T13:42:41Z.
ArrivalTime Path Datetime The time of arrival. Ignored if DepartureTime is specified. ArrivalTime must be within nine months from the time of the API call, and must occur in the future. The date format must be in the form YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ.
UseTraffic Path Boolean If UseTraffic is True, the current traffic flow is used in calculating the route. The default is True (calculate route based on current traffic conditions). Ignored if RouteType is 1.
RouteType Path Integer A value of 0 returns the fastest route; 1 returns the shortest route. The default is 0. If 1 is specified, UseTraffic is ignored.
CollapseManeuvers Path Boolean A value of false does not collapse the list of maneuvers; true collapses minor maneuvers into one. The default is true.
Units Path Integer Use 0 for English units, 1 for metric. The default is 0.
RouteOutputFields Path String The route elements to output in the response XML. Multiple fields can be specified in a comma-delimited list. You can use either the entire field name, or just the first letter.
Value Description
D,S,W,B,I,U (default) Returns the Descriptions, Summary, Waypoints, BoundingBox, and Incidents fields.
All Returns all fields.
D – Descriptions The textual descriptions of the trip and route.
S – Summary The route summary contains a high level summary of the major roads on the route.
W – Waypoints The waypoints used to calculate the route.
B – BoundingBox The geographical bounding box of the entire route.
P – Points A list of points along the route, returned in latitude/longitude pairs.
I – Incidents A list of any incidents occurring on the route.
U – RouteSpeedBucket A list of colors along the route based on INRIX Speedbuckets to allow a route to be colored according to congestion
IncidentOutputFields Path String The incident fields to output. Multiple fields can be specified in a comma-delimited list. The default is the primary incident element attributes, short and long description, TMCs and Parameterized description. This parameter is only used if Incidents are set to be returned in the RouteOutputFields.
Value Description
All This option returns all of the options available including new fields added in the future. Incident head, tail and last detour point are now available by specifying this option.
ID The unique identifier of an incident.
Version The version number of the incident report, incremented each time an incident report is updated.
Type The type of the incident (Crashes and Hazards; Events; Construction; and Congestion Alerts, also known as Flow incidents)
Severity The severity of the incident. This value can be in the range of 0-4, with 4 indicating the highest severity.
EventCode The event code of the incident. These are standard Alert-C event codes.
LatLong The latitude and longitude of the incident.
Impacting Whether the incident impacts traffic flow. This field is set to “yes” if the appearance of the incident changes the traffic flow below a certain percentage from that which is normally expected for the given segment of road at that time, given the current conditions.
StartTime The starting time of the incident.
EndTime The ending time of the incident.
DelayImpact Provide the delay in minutes versus typical conditions and versus free flow conditions.
Area The points in a polygon that describes an incident that is returned, in GML format. For more information about GML format, see
RDS The Radio Data System data. See the RDS element for more information.
ShortDescription Short textual description of the incident including language code.
FullDescription Longer textual description of the incident including language code.
GeometryTolerance Path Integer Reduces the number of latitude/longitude points returned when describing a route as requested by the Points value of the RouteOutputFields parameter. This value should be greater than or equal to 0 and is specified in yards for English units and meters for metric units. The default is 0, which means exact (no inaccuracy is tolerated), and results in the entire Points set being returned when points are requested in the output field. Higher values will reduce the number of points by eliminating points whose distance from each other is less than the specified tolerance. Based on the level of zoom used to draw the map, you can save bandwidth by reducing the size of the return payload. For example, if the map is zoomed to a 300-mile level, you may want to return fewer data points by specifying a larger value for GeometryTolerance. If the value for GeometryTolerance is larger than the length of the route, only the origin and destination points are returned.
Format Path String The format of the response in either XML or JSON. Default is XML.


Example GetRoute request


200 Success
  "docType": "GetRoute",
  "copyright": "Copyright INRIX Inc.",
  "versionNumber": "11.2",
  "createdDate": "2018-01-23T16:59:36Z",
  "statusId": 0,
  "statusText": "OK",
  "responseId": "6272eabe-ede5-4c29-9420-42ab46514cb2",
  "result": {
      "trip": {
          "tripId": "44204",
          "wayPoints": [
              "id": 1,
              "geometry": {
                  "type": "Point",
                  "coordinates": [
              "id": 2,
              "geometry": {
                  "type": "Point",
                  "coordinates": [
          "routes": [
              "uncongestedTravelTimeMinutes": 23,
              "routeQuality": 0,
              "id": "44204",
              "hasClosures": false,
              "travelTimeMinutes": 42,
              "abnormalityMinutes": 10,
              "averageSpeed": 22,
              "statusId": 0,
              "totalDistance": "15.9",
              "routeTransportStatus": 0,
              "summary": {
                  "text": "Via I-405, WA-520 and I-90",
                  "roads": [
                      "roadClass": 1,
                      "name": "I-405"
                      "roadClass": 1,
                      "name": "WA-520"
                      "roadClass": 1,
                      "name": "I-90"
              "description": "User requested directions from Origin to Destination on 2018-01-23T16:59:36Z",
              "incidents": [
              "boundingBox": {
                  "corner1": {
                      "type": "Point",
                      "coordinates": [
                  "corner2": {
                      "type": "Point",
                      "coordinates": [

Response Elements

Property Type Description
trip Array The root element of a collection of routes that share the same origin and destination.
Property Type Description
tripId String The id of the trip returned.
wayPoints Array Points that the first route of the trip is required to take; all routes use first and last waypoint.
Property Type Description
id String The id of the waypoint.
geometry Geojson point Longitude and lattitude of that waypoint
routes Array Route information, including travel times and maneuvers.
Property Type Description
uncongestedTravelTimeMinutes Unsignedbyte The travel time, given no traffic congestion.
routeQuality Unsignedbyte Quality of the route, typically scaled from 0 (most congested) to 3 (least congested).
id String The route ID.
hasClosures Boolean Whether or not there are road closures along the route. If true, then travel times will not be returned.
hasRestrictions Boolean Whether or not there are restrictions along the route, such as times when traffic is not allowed to flow in a particular direction. If true, then travel times will not be returned.
travelTimeMinutes Unsignedbyte The currently calculated travel time. If there are road closures or restrictions along the route, this attribute will not be present, and you should call FindRoute to get a new route.
abnormalityMinutes Unsignedbyte The difference in minutes between the travel time for the returned route and the normal travel time expected for the time and day. See Notes for more information. If there are road closures along the route, this attribute will not be present.
averageSpeed Unsignedbyte The average speed on the route. If there are road closures along the route, this value will be 0.
trafficConsidered Boolean Whether or not traffic is used in calulating the route.
statusId Unsignedbyte The status ID for the request
totalDistance Decimal The length of the route, in miles for units=0 and kilometer for units=1.
summary Array Information about the roads used in the route.
Property Type Description
text String Information about the roads used in the route.
roads Array List of roads on the route
description Array A textual description of the route.
incidents Array Incident info (if any) on the route. See Response description on Incidents page
boundingBox Array Coordinates of the rectangular region of the route.
Property Type Description
corner1 Geojson point Longitude and latitude in Geojson format
corner2 Geojson point Longitude and latitude in Geojson format
points Geojson linestrong The points in the route in Geojson linestring format.


GET Returns travel times based on current or future traffic conditions for a previously defined route.


  = required
Name Located In Type Description
action Path String use getRouteTravelTimes
token Path String A valid authorization token returned in response to a GetSecurityToken request.
routeId Path String A valid route ID from which to return traffic and routing information.
DepartureTime Path Datetime The time of departure. Ignored if ArrivalTime is specified. DepartureTime must be within nine months from the time of the API call, and must occur in the future. The date format must be in the form YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ; for example 2009-04-04T13:42:41Z.
ArrivalTime Path Datetime The time of arrival. Ignored if DepartureTime is specified. ArrivalTime must be within nine months from the time of the API call, and must occur in the future. The date format must be in the form YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ.
TravelTimeCount Path Integer The number of travel times you want to be returned for this route. Must be a value greater than 0, but less than or equal to 96.
TravelTimeInterval Path Integer The time span between the travel times specified in TravelTimeCount. Must be a value greater than 0, but less than or equal to 1440 minutes.


Example GetRouteTravelTime request


200 Success
<Inrix docType="GetRouteTravelTimes" copyright="Copyright INRIX Inc." versionNumber="11.2" createdDate="2018-01-24T00:12:33Z" statusId="0" statusText="" responseId="3d3bd240-6177-4d50-9521-f596199a9072">
  <Trip statusId="0" id="1794186068" voiceTag="" description="">
    <Origin latitude="47.61172" longitude="-122.33963"/>
    <Destination latitude="47.52045" longitude="-122.2744"/>
    <Route id="1794186068" routeInstanceId="1794321476" uncongestedTravelTimeMinutes="17">
        <TravelTime departureTime="2018-01-24T00:12:00Z" travelTimeMinutes="26" abnormalityMinutes="2" averageSpeed="22.89" routeHasClosures="false" routeRestricted="false"/>
        <TravelTime departureTime="2018-01-24T00:57:00Z" travelTimeMinutes="26" abnormalityMinutes="3" averageSpeed="22.53" routeHasClosures="false" routeRestricted="false"/>
        <TravelTime departureTime="2018-01-24T01:42:00Z" travelTimeMinutes="23" abnormalityMinutes="0" averageSpeed="25.36" routeHasClosures="false" routeRestricted="false"/>
        <TravelTime departureTime="2018-01-24T02:27:00Z" travelTimeMinutes="20" abnormalityMinutes="0" averageSpeed="29.36" routeHasClosures="false" routeRestricted="false"/>
        <TravelTime departureTime="2018-01-24T03:12:00Z" travelTimeMinutes="18" abnormalityMinutes="0" averageSpeed="32.81" routeHasClosures="false" routeRestricted="false"/>
        <TravelTime departureTime="2018-01-24T03:57:00Z" travelTimeMinutes="17" abnormalityMinutes="0" averageSpeed="33.45" routeHasClosures="false" routeRestricted="false"/>
        <TravelTime departureTime="2018-01-24T04:42:00Z" travelTimeMinutes="17" abnormalityMinutes="0" averageSpeed="33.67" routeHasClosures="false" routeRestricted="false"/>
        <TravelTime departureTime="2018-01-24T05:27:00Z" travelTimeMinutes="17" abnormalityMinutes="0" averageSpeed="34.62" routeHasClosures="false" routeRestricted="false"/>
        <TravelTime departureTime="2018-01-24T06:12:00Z" travelTimeMinutes="17" abnormalityMinutes="0" averageSpeed="34.19" routeHasClosures="false" routeRestricted="false"/>
        <TravelTime departureTime="2018-01-24T06:57:00Z" travelTimeMinutes="17" abnormalityMinutes="0" averageSpeed="34.19" routeHasClosures="false" routeRestricted="false"/>
        <TravelTime departureTime="2018-01-24T07:42:00Z" travelTimeMinutes="17" abnormalityMinutes="0" averageSpeed="34.19" routeHasClosures="false" routeRestricted="false"/>
        <TravelTime departureTime="2018-01-24T08:27:00Z" travelTimeMinutes="17" abnormalityMinutes="0" averageSpeed="34.19" routeHasClosures="false" routeRestricted="false"/>
        <TravelTime departureTime="2018-01-24T09:12:00Z" travelTimeMinutes="17" abnormalityMinutes="0" averageSpeed="34.19" routeHasClosures="false" routeRestricted="false"/>
        <TravelTime departureTime="2018-01-24T09:57:00Z" travelTimeMinutes="17" abnormalityMinutes="0" averageSpeed="34.19" routeHasClosures="false" routeRestricted="false"/>
        <TravelTime departureTime="2018-01-24T10:42:00Z" travelTimeMinutes="17" abnormalityMinutes="0" averageSpeed="34.19" routeHasClosures="false" routeRestricted="false"/>

Response Elements

Property Type Description
trip Array The root element of a collection of routes that share the same origin and destination.
Property Type Description
Origin Element Geo location of the route origin.
Property Type Description
latitude Double Latitude of point
longitude Double Longitude of point
destination Element Geo location of the route destination.
Property Type Description
latitude Double Latitude of point
longitude Double Longitude of point
route Element The routeId for the travel times returned
Property Type Description
travelTimeMinutes Element The travel time info for one departure time
Property Type Description
departureTime String Departure time in UTC
travelTimeMinutes Integer Travel time for the route at that departure time.
abnormalityMinutes Integer The number of minutes the route is delayed from typical at that departure time.
averageSpeed Integer Average speed for the route at that departure time.
routeHasClosures Boolean True if the route has closures which impact it at that departure time.
routeRestricted Boolean True if route has closures on it at that departure time.