
The On-Street Parking API is used to return metadata information on one or more city blocks.


The API can return a single block or a list of blocks in a geographic region. A block represents a road from one intersection to the next. The concept of blocks is important for the OnStreet API to be map independent and to be conflatable to any third party map library.


Each block will have a list of one or more parking “segments”, which will include information about rates / hours that parking is available, as well as number of spaces. Returned results can be additionally filtered by their metadata. Segments are defined as a continuous parking restriction. Segments are represented either by their offsets or their geometry.

Spaces Total

The spacesTotal field returned by the API is specific to each segment. The number of spaces returned here reflects the number of actual spaces in the segment, this does not take into account whether the street is currently available, “isOpen”, “No Parking”, etc., but an absolute measurement of spaces.


Query Types

Block queries can be made as follows:

  1. Querying a single block for a known blockID
  2. Querying a list of blocks by blockID
  3. Querying a geographic region
    1. by a bounded box defined by four points
    2. by a circle defined by a point and radius

Filtering and Pagination

A maximum number of results to be returned can be defined. The list of results can be paginated i.e. return second list of 20 results.

Additional filtering must be defined in client logic after results are returned. A wealth of metadata is returned for each lot that might be used to further filter results.

Entry Datetime and Duration

The entry_dt and duration parameters not only change the calculatedRates (see FAQ) but also the occupancy prediction. Selecting an entry_dt or duration too far in the past or future can cause additional overhead that will slow down response time.

Example /blocks request

curl "|-122.352635,47.6085|-122.327074&accesstoken=YOURACCESSTOKEN"

Attributes list

Name/Object   Type Description
blockID   number Unique ID for block
name   string Street name, example “High Street”
address   string To and from streets, example “From Maple Street to Walnut Street”
polyline   string Block geometry (Google polyline encoded)
distance   number Distance from queried point or area centroid (in meters)
probability   number Predicted likelihood of finding 1 or more open legal parking spots (%), NULL = No Parking
bucket   number Probability classified into colors to represent likelihood of finding 1 or more open legal parking spots: 1 = Red (unlikely), 2 = Yellow (roughly 50/50 chance), 3 = Green (likely), NULL = No Parking
currency   string Currency symbol, example “$”
pmtTypes   array of string Accepted payment types, example ‘[“Amex”, “coins”]’
photoThumbs   array of string URL to photos of location
operator   string Municipality or company that manages parking
offset   number UTC time offset in seconds
geojson   object Geojson linestring delineating the middle of the roadway
  type string Always LINESTRING
  coordinates array Longitude, Latitutde. First point is the beginning of the block.
segments   object Group of attributes that represent each (sub-block) segment
  segmentID string Unique ID for segment
  polyline string Segment geometry (Google polyline encoded)
  polyline6 string Segment geometry with additional degree of precision
  spacesTotal number Capacity, total number of spaces on the segment (sum of open spaces, occupied spaces, and temporary no-parking spaces)
  isOpen boolean True: “Parking allowed” or False: “No Parking”, according to the current restrictions
  start number Distance between start point of this block to start point of this segment, measured along the curb (meters)
  end number Distance between start point of this block to end point of this segment, measured along the curb (meters)
  side string Side of street in relation to direction of the block geometry, first point in the geojson is the beginning of the block
  rateCards string Full restrictions and pricing in a structured text format
  paymentID array of dictionaries Meter ID for transactions, keys are “company” and “id”
structuredRates   object Rate from rateCards parsed into a set of rule dictionaries:
  dow_start number First day of week that rate is applicable (ISO 8601), 1 means Monday, 7 means Sunday
  dow_end number Last day of week when rate is applicable (ISO 8601)
  repeats boolean Cost is cumulative, example “$1 for each additional hour”
  time_in string Entry time frame when rate is applicable, example “18:00-07:00” means “From 6pm to 7am (next day)”
  increment number Time interval over which rate is calculated (minutes), example 60 means “one hour”
  rate number Cost to park per increment, 0 means free, -1 means No Parking
  restriction string One letter code for parking restrictions:
“D”: Disabled person permit only
“R”: Residential permit only
“C”: Commercial vehicles only
“E”: Electric vehicles only
  holidays number 1 if this is a holiday-only rate;
-1 if this rate can be overridden by a holiday rate. For example, this is a Sunday rate but on some Sunday’s, holiday rates apply.
calculatedRates   object Group of attributes that represent the cost of parking for user specified parameters. Different segments may have different cost structures.
  rate_cost number Cost of stay
  quoted_duration string Length of stay (hh:mm:ss)
i_flag     To be deprecated
note     To be deprecated


GET Get blocks in a given area.


  = required
Name Located In Type Description
accesstoken Query String A valid access token provided from the GET appToken API response. Alternatively, the accesstoken can be added to the request header instead of a url parameter using format 'Authorization: Bearer'.
id Query Integer If used, other Location parameters cannot be used. An 'id' can be a single lot id or multiple separated by | symbols."
alias Query String If used, other Location parameters cannot be used. A pipe-delimited data source and lot id, eg: < data_source_key >|< lot_id >
box Query String If used, other Location parameters cannot be used. 'box' specifies two lat/long pairs (using the WGS 84 datum) that outline a bounding box. The first lat/long pair should be the northwestern most point, and the second pair the southeastern most point, eg: < lat1 >|< long1 >,< lat2 >|< long2 >.
point Query String Used to select a region based on a point and radius. If used, other Location parameters cannot be used, eg: < lat >|< long >.
radius Query Double Used to select a region based on a point and radius in meters. If 'radius' is used, 'point' must also be used and 'box' / 'geoid' cannot be used."
entry_time Query String yyyy-mm-ddTHH:MM format, add a Z for UTC, otherwise treated locally
duration Query Integer Duration in minutes. Can be pipe delimited for multiple durations, eg: 60|120|720|1400
limit Query Integer Maximum number of elements to return from a large collection (for pagination).
offset Query Integer Starting index within the requested collection (for pagination)
outputfields Query String Comma separated list of output fields
restrictions Query String Comma separated list of restriction IDs as returned from the Filters API
locale Query String The locale as defined by ISO 15897, default: en-US
sort String To optmize performance, objects are not sorted by default. Paramter value `distance` sorts to center of geo query.


200 Block segments returned
    "result": [
        "name": "10th Street",
        "probability": 53,
        "reservations": [
        "segments": [
            "end": 185,
            "side": "RIGHT",
            "start": 142,
            "polyline": "chsnEz}drUr@}@",
            "amenities": [
                "id": 1,
                "name": "Free"
                "id": 2,
                "name": "Metered parking"
                "id": 3,
                "name": "Overnight parking"
            "paymentID": [
            "polyline6": "ezi{_A~sz~`FlOmR",
            "rateCards": [
              "Each Hour (Mon-Tue | Thu-Sat; 9am-6pm; 9 Hour Max): $1",
              "1 Hour (Wed; 9am-10am): $1",
              "Wed (10am-12pm): No Parking",
              "Each Hour (Wed; 12pm-6pm; 6 Hour Max): $1",
              "Mon-Sat (6pm-9am): Free",
              "Sun: Free"
            "segmentID": "826357f3-9897-45c4-bd40-a0783aec3950",
            "paymentIDs": [
            "spacesTotal": 16,
            "structuredRates": [
                "rate": 1,
                "dow_end": 2,
                "repeats": true,
                "time_in": "09:00-18:00",
                "dow_start": 1,
                "increment": 540
                "rate": 1,
                "dow_end": 3,
                "time_in": "09:00-10:00",
                "dow_start": 3,
                "increment": 60
                "rate": -1,
                "dow_end": 3,
                "time_in": "10:00-12:00",
                "dow_start": 3
                "max": 360,
                "rate": 1,
                "dow_end": 3,
                "repeats": true,
                "time_in": "12:00-18:00",
                "dow_start": 3,
                "increment": 60
                "rate": 0,
                "dow_end": 6,
                "time_in": "18:00-09:00",
                "dow_start": 1
                "rate": 0,
                "dow_end": 7,
                "repeats": true,
                "dow_start": 7,
                "increment": 1440
                "rate": 1,
                "dow_end": 6,
                "repeats": true,
                "time_in": "09:00-18:00",
                "dow_start": 4,
                "increment": 540
            "isOpen": true,
            "calculatedRates": [
                "rate_cost": 0,
                "quoted_duration": "1:00:00",
                "rate_type": "B"
            "end": 122,
            "side": "RIGHT",
            "start": 60,
            "polyline": "kksnExaerUjA{A",
            "amenities": [
                "id": 1,
                "name": "Free"
                "id": 3,
                "name": "Overnight parking"
                "id": 4,
                "name": "Residential parking"
            "paymentID": [
            "polyline6": "_{j{_A|z{~`F~Vm[",
            "rateCards": [
              "Mon-Tue | Thu-Sun (7am-2am; Residential Permit Only): Free",
              "Wed (7am-10am; Residential Permit Only): Free",
              "Wed (10am-12pm): No Parking",
              "Wed (12pm-2am; Residential Permit Only): Free",
              "2am-7am: Free"
            "segmentID": "91819789-620d-44c4-ae77-6456f5c7e3aa",
            "paymentIDs": [
            "spacesTotal": 11,
            "structuredRates": [
                "rate": 0,
                "dow_end": 2,
                "repeats": true,
                "time_in": "07:00-02:00",
                "dow_start": 1,
                "increment": 1140,
                "restriction": "R"
                "rate": 0,
                "dow_end": 3,
                "repeats": true,
                "time_in": "07:00-10:00",
                "dow_start": 3,
                "increment": 180,
                "restriction": "R"
                "rate": -1,
                "dow_end": 3,
                "time_in": "10:00-12:00",
                "dow_start": 3
                "rate": 0,
                "dow_end": 3,
                "repeats": true,
                "time_in": "12:00-02:00",
                "dow_start": 3,
                "increment": 840,
                "restriction": "R"
                "rate": 0,
                "time_in": "02:00-07:00"
                "rate": 0,
                "dow_end": 7,
                "repeats": true,
                "time_in": "07:00-02:00",
                "dow_start": 4,
                "increment": 1140,
                "restriction": "R"
            "isOpen": true,
            "calculatedRates": [
                "rate_cost": 0,
                "quoted_duration": "1:00:00",
                "rate_type": "B"
            "end": 186,
            "side": "LEFT",
            "start": 180,
            "polyline": "}fsnEt{drUDE",
            "amenities": [
                "id": 1,
                "name": "Free"
                "id": 2,
                "name": "Metered parking"
                "id": 3,
                "name": "Overnight parking"
            "paymentID": [
            "polyline6": "cni{_Ab~y~`Fr@{@",
            "rateCards": [
              "Each Hour (Mon | Wed-Sat; 9am-6pm; 9 Hour Max): $1",
              "1 Hour (Tue; 9am-10am): $1",
              "Tue (10am-12pm): No Parking",
              "Each Hour (Tue; 12pm-6pm; 6 Hour Max): $1",
              "Mon-Sat (6pm-9am): Free",
              "Sun: Free"
            "segmentID": "f49049f7-36d7-4014-95d4-7a5b32de2254",
            "paymentIDs": [
            "spacesTotal": 1,
            "structuredRates": [
                "rate": 1,
                "dow_end": 1,
                "repeats": true,
                "time_in": "09:00-18:00",
                "dow_start": 1,
                "increment": 540
                "rate": 1,
                "dow_end": 2,
                "time_in": "09:00-10:00",
                "dow_start": 2,
                "increment": 60
                "rate": -1,
                "dow_end": 2,
                "time_in": "10:00-12:00",
                "dow_start": 2
                "max": 360,
                "rate": 1,
                "dow_end": 2,
                "repeats": true,
                "time_in": "12:00-18:00",
                "dow_start": 2,
                "increment": 60
                "rate": 0,
                "dow_end": 6,
                "time_in": "18:00-09:00",
                "dow_start": 1
                "rate": 0,
                "dow_end": 7,
                "repeats": true,
                "dow_start": 7,
                "increment": 1440
                "rate": 1,
                "dow_end": 6,
                "repeats": true,
                "time_in": "09:00-18:00",
                "dow_start": 3,
                "increment": 540
            "isOpen": true,
            "calculatedRates": [
                "rate_cost": 0,
                "quoted_duration": "1:00:00",
                "rate_type": "B"
            "end": 179,
            "side": "LEFT",
            "start": 165,
            "polyline": "ogsnEl|drUNQ",
            "amenities": [
            "paymentID": [
            "polyline6": "cti{_Afez~`FxCuD",
            "rateCards": [
              "No Parking"
            "segmentID": "f7326a5f-ef52-471f-9334-118d10f085da",
            "paymentIDs": [
            "spacesTotal": 2,
            "structuredRates": [
                "rate": -1,
                "repeats": true,
                "increment": 1440
            "isOpen": false,
            "calculatedRates": [
        "pmtTypes": [
          "Debit card",
        "photoThumbs": [
        "i_flag": 0,
        "blockID": "46502752",
        "bucket": 2,
        "currency": "$",
        "polyline": "_nsnEnderUbGqH",
        "address": "",
        "operator": "City of Santa Monica",
        "geojson": {
          "type": "LineString",
          "coordinates": [
        "note": "",
        "amenities": [
            "id": 1,
            "name": "Free"
            "id": 2,
            "name": "Metered parking"
            "id": 3,
            "name": "Overnight parking"
            "id": 4,
            "name": "Residential parking"
        "distance": 735,
        "offset": -25200
400 Bad request
401 invalid or expired token
404 instance not found