Parking Events Upload Service

API for sending INRIX multiple Parking Events (real-time or historical) in a single JSON POST request. The Parking Events Upload Service consumes the uploaded data asynchronously after responding to the POST request. Response times should be approximately 250 milliseconds with the response result referring only to receipt of a data payload and not to the validity of sent data. Providers can make multiple, simultaneous connections to the Parking Event Upload Service using either a single access token or multiple access tokens. The service has required fields (such as lat/lon, event, anonymous device ID, and timestamp) as well as optional fields.
You must contact INRIX before using optional fields to ensure compliance with privacy standards.

The production endpoint, which should only be used with real data, is:

For testing purposes (including sending test data) the “beta” endpoint is available:

The beta endpoint should not be used for load testing, since it has 10X less capacity.


POST parkdatastream


  = required
Name Located In Type Description
accessToken Query String A valid access token provided from the GET appToken API response. Alternatively, the accesstoken can be added to the request header instead of a url parameter using format 'Authorization: Bearer'.
Content-Type Header String must be 'application/json'
Content-Encoding Header String use 'gzip' to indicate gzip encoding (optional)
rid Body String A optional unique identifier for the request
dat Body Array Data records. While larger requests are handled, the recommended batch size is 4000-5000 records per request (which will typically be ~1.5MB).
Value Type Description
vid string The VehicleID/DeviceID is a unique identifier for the source of the data points. This ID will be anonymized upon receipt by INRIX.
ts number The timestamp is the moment when the GPS measurement was made. "Must be a UNIX timestamp in milliseconds since January 1, 1970 at 00:00:00 UTC. For example, March 14, 2015 12:00:00 AM would be 1426291200000"
ev string The Parking Event type. The acceptable values are one of the following ParkIn, ParkOut.
lat double The decimal degrees Latitude. Must be between -90 and 90 degrees.
lon double The decimal degrees Longitude. Must be between -180 and 180 degrees.
hd number The Heading/Direction in degrees at the moment when the GPS measurement was made. The acceptable values are in the range of 0-360.
ha number Horizontal accuracy
dur number Duration of time the vehicle was parked in milliseconds. Only meaningful with ParkOut Events.
vwid number Vehicle width in meters.
vlen number Vehicle length in meters.
osf number Open space in front of vehicle in centimeters.
osr number Open space in rear of vehicle in centimeters.
other array Array of name-value pairs for sending additional data
Value Type Description
name string Name of the name/value pair providing additional data
value string Value of the name/value pair providing additional data


Example Datastream Request
    "rid": "52f7861c",
    "dat": [
        "vid": "da398a0e3aac34087093c980b7ae3511",
        "ts": 1426291200000,
        "ev": "ParkIn",
        "lon": -122.362225,
        "lat": 47.722165,
        "hd": 181.0,
        "other": [
            "name": "VehicleType",
            "value": "CargoVan"
            "name": "VehicleWeight",
            "value": "12000"
        "vid": "da398a0e3aac34087093c980b7ae3511",
        "ts": 1426291350000,
        "ev": "ParkOut",
        "lon": -122.362790,
        "lat": 47.722144,
        "hd": 175.0,
        "dur": 904823
        "other": [
            "name": "VehicleType",
            "value": "CargoVan"
            "name": "VehicleWeight",
            "value": "12000"


200 Success
    "result": "ok",
    "copyright": "Copyright INRIX Inc.",
    "createdDate": "2020-06-15T21:06:25.955Z",
    "responseId": "ec34cb98-b605-41a6-9492-dde7aaed3924",