
The Off-Street Payment API is used in conjunction with the Off-Street Parking API to facilitate an Off-Street Parking transactions from end-to-end — from identifying available parking resources to making a reservation with a specific resources.

The Off-Street Payments API may be used to request metadata on available parking products, make a reservation for a specific product and time, and complete a payment transaction for a product.

A typical workflow would be:

Reservation Overview Workflow
Off-Street Parking 1. Request /lots filtered by geography, availability, etc.
Request lot data
Receive {lot} metadata - address, rates, occupancy, reviews, etc.
GET /lots
Off-Street Payments API 2. Request product data
Request available /products for a given lot
Receive {products} metadata - affiliate, price, inventory, availability, type
GET /products
  3. Create a new reservation
Request to create a /reservation for a given product
Receive {reservations} metadata - receipt, redemption/QR code, arrival instructions
POST /reservations
  4. Request reservation data (optional)
Request pending or historical /reservations
Receive {reservations} metadata - receipt, redemption/QR code, arrival instructions
GET /reservations


As part of the end-to-end Off-Street Parking workflow, the Off-Street Payments API is complete a parking reservation for a specific lot. The API is used to:

  1. determine the available reservation products matching a given entry time criteria
  2. to make a parking reservation for a given facility/lot, including the payment transaction

Product Queries

Product queries are made for a specific lot or f_id. Results will be returned as a list of parking products each with a unique pk_reservation_product. The resolution of the API is as specific as the input parameters give. A default response will include a generic rate and a generic list of days available. If an entry date and time is passed, an estimated rate and availability for the day will be returned for each product. If an entry date and time and a desired duration are provided, the API will return the exact rate and availability.

Reservation Creation

For a given parking product, specified by its pk_reservation_product, a reservation can be created and paid for via a properly authenticated POST request to the API. Reservations can be updated via a properly authenticated PUT request. Existing reservations can also be queried.


Successful requests to the Off-Street Payments API requires API-level proper authentication. The Off-Street Payments API supports two API-level authentication methods:

  1. an access token-based method in which a client will use an app_id and an app_key to request a 24-hour access_token
  2. a legacy hashed request in which a client uses a hashed string created using request data and an api_key to authenticate each request

Additionally, requests to create a reservation on behalf of a user will require User-level authentication in order to create the request. The Off-Street Payments API supports two User-level authentication methods:

  1. Session/Cookie-based authentication
  2. Basic HTTP Authentication i.e. username/password


Available reservation products will be accessible via

Query operators are passed to the API via HTTPS/1.1 GET requests.

GET requests will always return a response payload. In the event that there are no available Products, the payload will be an empty list as defined below.

The system supports deflate/gzip encodings which are highly recommended to reduce bandwidth usage.

Making a reservation can be achieved via through HTTPS/1.1 POST requests.

Data Formats

All responses are in the JSON format (RFC 7159, ECMA-404).

JSONP calls are supported with the additional of a callback parameter to the URL.

API-Level Authentication


Access Token-based authentication requires two request.

  1. Make a request from the access token endpoint using an app_id and an app_key to request a 24-hour access_token. The following is a simple Python script for requesting an access_token:
import hashlib, hmac, requests

token_request_url = ""
parkme_test_app_id = "#YOUR_APP_ID#"
parkme_test_app_key = "#YOUR_APP_KEY#"

key_to_hash = parkme_test_app_id + '|' + parkme_test_app_key
hash_key = hashlib.sha1(key_to_hash).hexdigest()
uas_token_url = token_request_uri + \
  "?appId={}&hashToken={}".format(app_id, hash_key)

response = requests.get(uas_token_url, verify = False)
json_response = response.json()
uas_token = json_response.get('result').get('token')
  1. Use the access_token to make your requests, e.g.


The Off-Street Payments API will continue to support a legacy authentication technique in which request information and an api key are hashed as a single string to create a request specific authentication key. The following is an example of creating an authenticated request in Python:

import base64, datetime, hashlib, requests

def create_signifier_string(signifier_list):
    return  '|'.join([str(each) for each in signifier_list])

def create_chk_hash(signifier_list, api_key):
    signifier_string  = '|'.join(
      [str(each) for each in signifier_list])
    encryption_string = str.encode(signifier_string + api_private_key)
    chk_digest        = hashlib.md5(encryption_string).hexdigest()

    return chk_digest

entry_dt =

entry_dt      =
pub_id          = '#PUB_ID'
api_private_key = '#API_KEY'
point_and_rad   = [-118.5, 34,2000]

params = {
    'entry_dt': entry_dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M'),
    'duration'  : 60,
    'f_id'      : create_signifier_string(available_f_ids),
    'pub_id'    : pub_id,
    'chk'       : create_chk_hash(point_and_rad, api_private_key),
    'pt'        : create_signifier_string(point_and_rad)

response = requests.get('',

products = response.json()['Products']


Product API

Resources are the objects available through the API, and are accessed via URLs. Use two base URLs per resource – one for the collection, one for a specific resource in the collection. One of lot or f_id is required.

/product/?f_id=22604 All available reservation products for lot with given (specific) id

Optional Parameters

Note: The resolution of the API is as specific as the input parameters give. For example: If no entry_dt is provided, the API will return a generic rate and a generic list of days available. If an entry_dt is provided but not duration, the API will provide an estimated rate and availability for the day. If both entry_dt and durations are provided, the API will return the exact rate and availability.

Name Data Type Description Default Value
entry string Entry date and time specified as an ISO-Extended UTC DateTime in the form Now
duration int Number of minutes that the product should cover. Duration can be a pipe-delimited list for multiple queries. N/A


  "ProductCount": 1,
  "Products": [
      "pk_reservation_product": "b356bf2f-571e-4536-a10d-ad036c751134",
      "name": "One California Plaza",
      "promo_text": null,
      "rates": [
      "max_duration": 120,
      "start_time": "11:00pm",
      "end_time": "1:00am",
      "days_available": {
        "2018-10-12": 200
      "service_fee": 1,
      "type": "PREPAY",
      "phone_required": false,
      "license_required": false,
      "cpf_required": false,
      "f_id": 123456,
      "printed_pass_required": false,
      "currency": "$",
      "processing_engine": "PARKME"

Reservation API

The Reservations API is used for ParkMe’s reservations platform. Query operators are passed to the API via the HTTP/1.1 GET, POST, and PUT requests.

/reservation/ All reservations
/reservation/1721c490-2eba-11e2-9781-123140015e3a Single reservation


Most of the endpoints require authentication either via a ParkMe session aka Cookie-based Session Validation or HTTP Basic Auth.

GET requests are used to get information about reservations given a search parameter. The application must pass username:password via the HTTP1.1 Authentication method. Requests will different depending on the privileges assigned to the user.

Create a Reservation

POST requests are used to create a reservation (or a quote). The application must pass username:password via the HTTP1.1 Authentication method.


curl -X POST --user name:password -d '&f_id=115539&entry_time=2018-05-06T12:26&duration=120&pk_reservation_product=921129fc-9f34-11e3-aa2b-22000afd0bd2&action=Reserve'


GET Get available reservations in a given lot from


  = required
Name Located In Type Description
f_id Query String Specific lot or f_id is required.
lot Query String Specific lot or f_id is required.
entry_dt Query String yyyy-mm-ddTHH:MM format, add a Z for UTC, otherwise treated locally
duration Query Integer Duration in minutes. Can be pipe delimited for multiple durations, eg: 60|120|720|1400


200 Available reservation products
    "Products": [
            "name": "Texas A&M Football",
              "550e8400-e29b-41d4 a716-446655440000-10-23T19:18:46.5582393Z",
            "promo_text": null,
            "rates": [
            "max_duration": 480,
            "start_time": "10:00am",
            "end_time": "6:00pm",
            "service_fee": 1,
            "type": "PREPAY",
            "days_available": {
                "2013-08-31": 100,
                "2013-08-24": 90,
                "2013-09-07": 87,
                "2013-09-14": 100
    "ProductCount": 1


GET get all reservations


200 Get information on a reservation
    'Token': "5ff28e6a-c28e-11df-81dd-123139129415",
    'ReservationCount': 12,
    'Reservations': [
            "pk_reservation": "ab55caa6",
            "pk_lot": "3a228e6a-c28e-11df-81dd-123139143121",
            "lot_address": "1701 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington D.C., DC 20006, USA",
            "lot_name": "Whitehouse Visitor Parking",
            "str_reservation_code": "ab567",
            "dt_start_time": "2012-12-18T19:03:31Z",
            "dt_end_time": "2012-12-18T19:03:31Z",
            "dt_scan_time": null,
            "dt_expiration_date": "2012-12-18T19:03:31Z",
            "pk_reservation_status": 1,
            "d_amount_quoted": 19.0,
            "d_amount_paid": 17.0,
            "d_amount_discounted": 2.0,
            "pk_coupon": null
        }, ...

POST create a new reservation


  = required
Name Located In Type Description
Authorization Header String The API Key following 'Bearer '
Accepts Header String 'application/json' or 'application/xml'
id Body Integer A unique lot id
pk_reservation_product Body String The UUID of the reservation product
action Body String Reserve, Redeem, Scan or Cancel
entry_time Query String yyyy-mm-ddTHH:MM:ss
duration Query Integer Duration in minutes. Can be pipe delimited for multiple durations, eg: 60|120|720|1400
token Body String Stripe token. If purchasing reservation, one form of financial info is needed.


200 Successful creation of a reservation
    'Token': "5ff28e6a-c28e-11df-81dd-123139129415",
    'ReservationCount': 1,
    'Reservations': [
            "pk_reservation": "ab55caa6",
            "pk_lot": "3a228e6a-c28e-11df-81dd-123139143121",
            "lot_address": "1701 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington D.C., DC 20006, USA",
            "lot_name": "Whitehouse Visitor Parking",
            "str_reservation_code": "ab567",
            "dt_start_time": "2012-12-18T19:03:31Z",
            "dt_end_time": "2012-12-18T19:03:31Z",
            "dt_scan_time": null,
            "dt_expiration_date": "2012-12-18T19:03:31Z",
            "pk_reservation_status": 1,
            "d_amount_quoted": 19.0,
            "d_amount_paid": 17.0,
            "d_amount_discounted": 2.0,
            "pk_coupon": null


GET get a specific reservation


  = required
Name Located In Type Description
Authorization Header String The API Key following 'Bearer '
Accepts Header String 'application/json' or 'application/xml'
reservationId Path String The UUID of the specific reservation.


200 Get information on a reservation
    'Token': "5ff28e6a-c28e-11df-81dd-123139129415",
    'ReservationCount': 1,
    'Reservations': [
            "pk_reservation": "ab55caa6",
            "pk_lot": "3a228e6a-c28e-11df-81dd-123139143121",
            "lot_address": "1701 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington D.C., DC 20006, USA",
            "lot_name": "Whitehouse Visitor Parking",
            "str_reservation_code": "ab567",
            "dt_start_time": "2012-12-18T19:03:31Z",
            "dt_end_time": "2012-12-18T19:03:31Z",
            "dt_scan_time": null,
            "dt_expiration_date": "2012-12-18T19:03:31Z",
            "pk_reservation_status": 1,
            "d_amount_quoted": 19.0,
            "d_amount_paid": 17.0,
            "d_amount_discounted": 2.0,
            "pk_coupon": null

PUT update a specific reservation


  = required
Name Located In Type Description
Authorization Header String The API Key following 'Bearer '
Accepts Header String 'application/json' or 'application/xml'
reservationId Path String The UUID of the specific reservation.
action Body String Either 'Cancel', 'Scan', or 'Redeem'. That is, cancel a reservation, scan a reservation (attendant at a gate station), or redeem a reservation, respectively.


200 Get information on a reservation
    'Token': "5ff28e6a-c28e-11df-81dd-123139129415",
    'ReservationCount': 1,
    'Reservations': [
            "pk_reservation": "ab55caa6",
            "pk_lot": "3a228e6a-c28e-11df-81dd-123139143121",
            "lot_address": "1701 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington D.C., DC 20006, USA",
            "lot_name": "Whitehouse Visitor Parking",
            "str_reservation_code": "ab567",
            "dt_start_time": "2012-12-18T19:03:31Z",
            "dt_end_time": "2012-12-18T19:03:31Z",
            "dt_scan_time": null,
            "dt_expiration_date": "2012-12-18T19:03:31Z",
            "pk_reservation_status": 1,
            "d_amount_quoted": 19.0,
            "d_amount_paid": 17.0,
            "d_amount_discounted": 2.0,
            "pk_coupon": null