
In order to protect the INRIX brand, we have put the following guidelines in place for customers and partners wishing to use INRIX trademarks (name), approved logos, images or in some way signal a partnership with INRIX in promotional, advertising, instructional or reference materials, or on their web sites or products. Third parties may use INRIX logos only as specified in their agreement with INRIX and any associated Guidelines. Use of INRIX trademarks without prior written consent of INRIX may constitute trademark infringement.

Partner Guidelines for using INRIX Trademarks

By using the INRIX trademark, in whole or in part, you are acknowledging that INRIX is the sole owner of the trademark and promising that you will not interfere with INRIX rights in the trademark, including challenging INRIX use, registration of, or application to register such trademark, alone or in combination with other words. Except for the limited right to use as expressly permitted under these Guidelines, no other rights of any kind are granted, by implication or otherwise.

INRIX Trademarks

Approved Logos

– Powered by INRIX: For customers and partners to use when referring to the use of INRIX data and technology. Please refer the Logo Guidelines in the appendix for guidance concerning proper placement and sizing of the logo.

– INRIX Partner: This is the primary logo for customers and partners to use when referring to their relationship with INRIX. Please refer to the Logo Guidelines in the appendix for guidance concerning proper placement and sizing of the logo.

Advertising, Promotional, Sales Materials and Websites: INRIX logos may be used in your advertising, printed and online marketing materials only in accordance with the terms of your agreement with INRIX. When the INRIX name is used online within body copy text, it must always be an active link to an INRIX domain page ( preferred). In copy, the INRIX name should be set in all caps (INRIX), no lower case and never plural or possessive. Creative must be approved by INRIX Marketing (Branding) prior to publishing.

Publications, Seminars, and Conferences: You may use INRIX word marks in connection with book titles, magazines, periodicals, seminars, or conferences provided you comply with the following requirements:

Unauthorized Use of INRIX Trademarks

  1. Company, Product, or Service Name: You may not use or register, in whole or in part, INRIX or any of its product names or trademarks, including INRIX-owned graphic symbols, logos, taglines, icons, or any alteration or close approximation of these as part of your company name, trade name, product name, or service name except as noted in these guidelines.
  2. INRIX-owned Logos and Graphic Symbols: While you may use the Powered by INRIX or INRIX Partner logos, you may not use the INRIX logo or any other INRIX-owned graphic symbol, logo, tagline or icon on or in connection with web sites, products, manuals, promotional/advertising materials, or for any other purpose except as agreed upon in writing between you and INRIX.
  3. Disparaging Manner: You may not use an INRIX trademark or any other INRIX-owned graphic symbol, logo, tagline or icon in a disparaging manner.
  4. Endorsement or Sponsorship: You may not use INRIX or any other INRIX trademark, logo, tagline, symbol or icon in a way that would imply INRIX affiliation with or endorsement, support, or sponsorship of a third party product or service, except as agreed upon in writing.
  5. Merchandise Items: You may not manufacture, sell or give-away merchandise items, such as T-shirts and mugs, bearing INRIX or any INRIX trademark, including symbols, logos, taglines or icons, except as agreed upon in writing between you and INRIX.
  6. INRIX Trade Dress: You may not imitate the distinctive INRIX look and feel including web site design, logos, iconography, imagery or typefaces.
  7. Slogans and Taglines: You may not use or imitate an INRIX slogan or tagline. For example, "Driving Intelligence" or "Intelligence that Moves the World."
  8. Domain Names: You may not use an identical or virtually identical INRIX trademark as a second level domain name.

Rules for Proper Use of INRIX Trademarks

  1. Trademarks are adjectives used to modify nouns; the noun is the generic name of a product or service. For example, INRIX Parking.
  2. An appropriate generic term must appear after the trademark the first time it appears in a printed piece, and as often as is reasonable after that. For example, INRIX Performance Measures in first usage; Performance Measures later in text provided that it is clear that later references refer to INRIX Performance measures. If it is unclear, always use INRIX Performance Measures.
  3. Always capitalize the INRIX name. Do not use upper and lower case letters.

Proper Trademark Notice and Attribution

  1. On product, product documentation, or other product communications, use the appropriate trademark symbol (TM, SM, ®) the first time the INRIX trademark appears in the text of the advertisement, brochure, or other material.
  2. When using a screen shot from an INRIX product or any verbatim INRIX messaging, include a footnote with attribution to INRIX.
  3. Include an attribution of INRIX ownership of its trademarks within the credit notice section of your product, product documentation, or other product communication.
    Following are the correct formats:
    The name and wordmark "INRIX" are registered trademarks of INRIX.

Co-branding beyond reference to relationship

Certain situations call for a coordinated marketing effort that extends beyond the use of trademarked names and logos to signal a strong partnership, an innovative business approach or a combined investment in an initiative. In these situations, unique creative may be developed to highlight the brands involved in the promotion.

In these situations, please consult the INRIX marketing team for assistance with developing the appropriate creative to clearly communicate the relationship and message of the joint collaboration.

For questions and further assistance: Email the INRIX Brand Team at



The following guidelines have been put in place for customers and partners wishing to use INRIX approved logos. Third parties may use INRIX logos only as specified in their agreement with INRIX and any associated Guidelines. Use of INRIX trademarks without prior written consent of INRIX may constitute trademark infringement.

Partners may use one of two logos:

INRIX Partner


This is the primary logo for customers and partners to use when referring to their relationship with INRIX. Please refer to the Logo Guidelines in the appendix for guidance concerning proper placement and sizing of the logo.

Powered by INRIX


For customers and partners to use when referring to the use of INRIX data and technology. Please refer the Logo Guidelines in the appendix for guidance concerning proper placement and sizing of the logo.

Logo Clear Space

The preferred amount of clear space (x) is equal to the height of the second "I" in INRIX. Never place graphics of any kind closer that this distance from the logo



Logo Colors

The logo palette consists of one of two color combinations when used on a white background: blue and blue or gray and blue. Reverse the logo to all white when placing on a black or dark background.

Blue and Blue


Blue and Gray


Logo Restrictions

Don't rearrange or resize elements
Don't stretch logo disproportionately
Don't skew or sheer
Don’t add a drop shadow
Don’t alter the color of the logo. Only use approved logo colors
Don't place the logo on a busy background
Don’t place a positive logo on a dark background with less than 40% contrast
Don’t place a reversed logo on alight background with less than 40%
Don’t change the direction of the logo


Powered by INRIX

For customers and partners to use when referring to the use of INRIX data and technology. The "Powered by" must be legible and cannot reduce the size of the logo itself. Please refer to Appendix A for guidance concerning proper placement and sizing of the logo.

INRIX Partner

This is the primary logo for customers and partners to use when referring to their relationship with INRIX. Please refer to Appendix A for guidance concerning proper placement and sizing of the logo.

INRIX DriveTime TM

For use only by realtors who have permission to do so contractually. Note, this is only a word mark and should not include any graphical treatment.

ParkMe ®

INRIX Parking products should be referred to as INRIX Parking and customers should utilize the INRIX Partner logo. In certain situations requiring reference to the ParkMe mobile app, partners and customers can use the ParkMe in text with no graphical treatment. This is only acceptable with contractually permission.

INRIX OpenCar ®

When referring to INRIX OpenCar solutions, use the INRIX Partner logo and refer to the specific product in text with no graphical treatment.